Below is some advice for getting the look of our show to appear appropriate to 1912. Please feel free to
call or email me if you have questions!
Amy Krigas (Kelsey’s mom) 224-622-5949
Adult women should have hair that will work with their hat. Curl any bangs to sculpt into place and make
them look older. Long hair can be rolled and pinned loosely at nape of neck or in a low type bun.
Teen girls: A ponytail or the front half into a ponytail will work well. Use curls (ringlets) as much as
possible. Add a ribbon to the hair to match dress. Can use a few curls pinned to head to create accent
Young Girls: pigtails or braid(s) are great. Add a ribbon(s) – big!
All men – hair parted to the side, slicked with pomade or gel is best. Use a fine tooth comb to do it. If they
have a little curl to their hair you can “finger wave” a little! No long hair, get a haircut that is above the
collar of your shirt.
Shoes: Please start wearing your performance shoes to rehearsal ASAP!
Adult women: a low heel of some kind. Dance character shoes are great if you have them or know
someone to borrow them from. I can also get them for you at my store if you are interested in purchasing
(black or tan). Make sure it is something that will stay on well and they can dance in!
Teen girls: either dance character shoes or a flat mary jane type shoe. Tan or white tights (or black if it
looks better)
Young girls: knee socks (white) with flat mary jane type shoe (black, brown, white).
All men/boys: Black or Brown dress shoe/shoe boot. Dress socks (knee socks – white, tan, brown, black -
if wearing knickers).
Girls: They have all been fit in costumes, please make the necessary alterations/repairs and start
wearing them. Add simple jewelry if you are a pickalittle lady.
Boys: Most boys have been given some pieces (hat, tie, shirt, vest, etc). Please get pants/dress shirt to
complete outfit if needed. Ask if you have specific questions. Boys will need belts and/or suspenders
to complete outfits.
If you were lent items from FRGMS please wash or have dry cleaned and return to the school after the
show. Mr. Pickering will give you further instructions.
If you have been lent any costume pieces from Mrs. Krigas, they came from CGHS. These items
have been lent to us (free of charge) and need to be returned clean. After the show please follow care
instructions on the tag (or ask Mrs. Krigas) to wash or dry clean (whatever it says) the borrowed items and
return to the Krigas’ home: 1115 Paul Ct during the week following the show. Just leave on the porch if
we aren’t home.
Again – let me know if you need further instruction on anything!
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